Goat Cheese Tomato Vinaigrette Salad
Use Tomato Herb Vinaigrette and top with Spiced Pecans
  • Mixed Greens
  • Tomato Herb Vinaigrette Dressing
  • Spiced Pecans
  • Goat Cheese
  1. Over a plate of mixed greens, put about 1/3 cup of the vinaigrette dressing
  2. Make a small patty of goat cheese (about 3" in diameter)
  3. Press spiced pecans into each side of patty
  4. Put patty in a 350 degree oven for approximately 8 to 10 minutes (enough to get warm but before it begins melting.
  5. Put warm patty on salad
  6. Add a little more goat cheese (crumbled) and serve